Campaign Nitty-Gritty



One cannot repudiate his contract, and, in advantage of his wrong, otherwise dispose of the property or money to his own benefit." That law, which does not specify the minimum or maximum size of the property or the amount of money in question, applies to the government as well as to an individual.

Furthermore, we are often reminded that the United States is a country that respects the rule of law-not of men. So, all that I am asking the federal government to do, is set an example and comply with the Supreme Law of the Land.


Besides, I have already opened the flood gates of opportunity for our nation. By proclaiming myself an architect and an attorney at law, in defiance of California law, but under the protection of individual rights as guaranteed by our treaty, I have set myself up for two powerful entities to come after me.

I did this to prove to our community that we have an infallible and legitimate way of gaining the respect and recognition that we are entitle to. In order for the state of California to jail me for violating those laws it would have to override the treaty. Therefore, at this point, I feel that I have done as much as I can do alone. So, now I am seeking help through my CAMPAIGN NITTY-GRITTY. All you have to do is work with three simple questions.

Bear in mind; however politicians and the sort are very reluctant to make statements, or answer questions that, they perceive to be something that might return to bind them later.

Nonetheless, it is their duty as public servants to answer such questions. So don't be afraid to ask. This should be fun, educational, and profitable for you. Furthermore, it's legal. Those are simple questions, which can be answered with one checkmark or with one sentence. Furthermore, you don't have to write a long letter like this one. For the most part, questions 1 to 3 above with the note, following a brief introduction or explanation should suffice. Moreover, I believe that failing to comply with the third article of the treaty is one of the greatest blunders ever committed by the United States, If not the greatest.

And I am sure that the federal government doesn't want to cheerfully admit this. So, if you find some reluctance toward providing answers to our questions, persist! And if motivation is required, simply think about the amount of money you have paid in income taxes and property taxes. Then, think about how much you would like to legally get that money back and never have to be subjected to paying taxes again.

And if you happen to feel that this is to good to be true, just consider the fact that the United States has already been well paid with 908,380 square miles of territory to provide us with all that I have mentioned above plus much more. Treaties are very important documents. They are contracts between nations and not to be taken lightly. That is why the Constitution makes treaties the supreme law of the land. Moreover, that's why Native Americans enjoy tax exemptions and other benefits. And besides Native Americans we are the only nation entitled to function in the U. S. under specific treaty protection. Though, unlike Native Americans, our treaty was made by and between the United States and a sovereign European nation. That nation, France, is also obligated to us by the Louisiana Purchase Treaty. Both of those contracting nations have their honor and integrity on the line.

Furthermore, the treaty mentioned herein is forever, which means that our simple, yet explosive, questions can be passed from generation to generation until they have served our purpose. Over the years, to no avail, I have been trying to get the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People involved in our struggle. This time around and for the time being, however, all I want from that organization is face valued opinions- the answers to questions 1&2 above. This should not be such a big deal for them because they have more than enough resources to provide their answers to those simple questions.

Furthermore, what I am trying to do now, should have been done by the NAACP generations ago. That is, of course, providing that the organization is sincere about the advancement of Colored people. I shall personally send a request for answers to the NAACP. And I would like you to help me to swamp that office with letters and names for that purpose.

For many reasons, I would like to place the NAACP at the top of our targets. We must demand answers from the NAACP. We have been ignored long enough. Send your request to both of the following names.

Chairman NAACP
Mr. Julian Bond
4805 Mt. Hope Drive
Baltimore, MD 21215
President NAACP
Mr. Kweisi Mfume
4805 Mt. Hope Drive
Baltimore, MD 21215

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