t Augustine Catholic Church
Mississippi River Cruises
Eiffel Tower
Good Creole Poetry

Dooky Chase's Restaurant

The best Creole food in New Orleans









. . . By Sylbin Kein



Creole French


He, Cajun,Et toi, Creole,
Cofaire to pele to meme
Blanc ou noir?
Qui donnein toi noms-ye?

Nous tous descendants des Français, Espagñols, Africains, Indiens, Acadians, Haitiens,
Et tout z.autres Gombo People qui te vinir ala Louisiane. Epice-ye te fait le Gombo.
Nous culture riche servi comme nous liaisoncommun

Nous sommes du meme sang-paprika etsang-la joindre nous avec le monde.si racists-ye oule mettre l'etoiles de papiersur nous lapeau pour dire nous ca nous ye,laissez-ye bouillir dans la merde.

C'est nous - les franco- louisianais, fiers de
nous l'heritage Francais et Africain. C'est nous -Europeen, Africain, Asiatique et Americain. Cajun, Creole.Annons et fier pour dire cas
nous ye. Comments longtemps ye peut

garder nouset dire nous, nous pas existe?
Mais mon ami, pas garrochez l'epice
parce que li trop blanc ou trop noir.

Si vous fait ca, to sa pas gain Gombo
jamain plus, mais un ragout fondu sale-la
fait avec la chair niee de to l'ancestre-ye;
to grandmere, to grandpere, to mere, to pere,
to soeur, to frere, to tante, to nonc,
to cousin, to niece, to neveu, to pitits, ou

A Creole Family




. .


Hey, Cajun,and you, Creole,
how come you call yourself white or black? Who gave ythesenames?
We are descendants of the French, the Spanish,the Africans, the Indian, the Acadian, the Haitian, and all the other Gombo People who came to

  1. These spices made the Gombo.
    Our rich culture serves as our common bond.We are of the same paprika blood, and that blood connects us with the world. If racists want to stick paper stars on ourskin to tell us what we are, let them
    boil in hell with their foolishness.

  2. We are the Louisiana French, proud ofthe French and African heritage. We areEuropean, African, Asian, and American.Cajun, Creole. Let us dare to say it.And all the worst for those who do not likewhat we are. How long can they look at us and tell us we do not exist?

    But my friend, do not throw away the spice because it is too light or too dark.If you do that you will not have Gomboever again, but a foul melted stew made up of the denied flesh of your ancestors,your grandmother, your grandfather, your mother,your father, your sister, your brother,
    your aunt, your uncle, your niece, your nephew, your children, oryourself.

by Sybil Kein
Gumbo People


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