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Another Chimney sweep song

And his Son
The traditional Chimney sweepers Hat
Chimney sweepers Songs





New Orleans Chimney Sweepers

Courtesy Gumbo Ya Ya



Wherever he has appeared, the Chimney Sweep has been a fascinating and picturesque character. It is still possible to see the New Orleans variety, and he has changed very little in appearance despite the many years his cries have echoed through the city's streets.

Unlike the sweep of London, he wears a tall, battered silk hat, a swallowtail coat, and he is always a person of color, usually as black as the soot in which he works. There is always the coil on one shoulder, several bunches of palmetto and a sheaf of broom straw.



Nut Cracker ..Chimney Sweeper


Traditional New Orleans Chimney Sweepers


Ra-mi-neau!   Ra-mi-neau!   Ra-ma-neau!
Lady, I know why your chimney won't draw,
Oven won't bake and you can't make no cake,
An' I know why your chimney won't draw!


Hired, he scurries agilely up to the roof, sometimes assisted by a smaller, younger but equally Creole / black edition to himself, and as he works he sings.

One odd song common to the New Orleans Chimney Sweep isOthers cry: 'R-R-R-R-Raminary! R-r-r-r-r-r-ramonez la chiminee du haut en bas!' 'Ramonez,' 'Ramineaux' and 'Ramineau' seem all to be corruptions of the French 'Ramoneur' or Chimney Sweeper.Some travel in pairs and alternate their call thus:




Val-sez, Bal-seur,
Val-sez pour ce-le-brer
La S'te Marie.
Dieu sait si l'annee prochaine
Nous celebrerons la S'te Marie


Waltz, Waltzer,
Waltz to celebrate
St. Mary's Day.
God knows it next year
We will celebrate St
Mary's Day!



1st Sweep:....Ramonez la cheminée... Rrrrrrramonez la cheminee!

2d Sweep....: Valsez; valseur,valsez pour celebrer la S'te Marie...


Pictures and text taken from:
"Folk Tales of Louisiana"
by Saxon, Dreyer and Tallant

Modern Chimney Sweepers


Others cry: 'R-R-R-R-Raminary! R-r-r-r-r-r-ramonez la chiminee du haut en bas!' 'Ramonez,' 'Ramineaux' and 'Ramineau' seem all to be corruptions of the French 'Ramoneur' or Chimney Sweeper.

Some travel in pairs and alternate their call thus:

A contemporary team of sweeps, Willie Hall and Albert Hutchins, sings


Get over, get over slick,
Save dat chimney, save it quick.-

Here's yo' chimney sweeps,
We goes up to the roofs,
Sweep the smokestacks down right now,
Don't care for soot, anyhow.
Rami -- neau!  Rami -- neau!  Rami -- neau!

Sweep'em clean! Sweep'em clean!
Save the fireman lots of work,
We hate soot, we never shirk,

Sweep'em clean! Sweep'em clean

!Here's yo' chimney sweeps,
We goes up to the roofs,
Sweep the smokestacks down right now,
Don't care for soot, anyhow.
Rami -- neau!  Rami -- neau!  Rami -- neau!

Sweep'em clean! Sweep'em clean!
Save the fireman lots of work,
We hate soot, we never shirk,
Sweep'em clean! Sweep'em clean!

I been a chimney sweeper for forty-five years now. I'm most eighty years old, and I've made a good livin'. There was a season to it, but I've always had my regular customers. I done swept some of the best chimneys in town.'

One reason the Chimney Sweep keeps singing as he works is to let anyone who might be below know the chimney is being cleaned and to protect him from being showered with soot. All during his work the songs to on and the cry comes,

'RO -- MI -- NAY!



1st Sweep:....Ramonez la cheminée... Rrrrrrramonez la cheminee!

2d Sweep....: Valsez; valseur,valsez pour celebrer la S'te Marie...


Pictures and text taken from:
"Folk Tales of Louisiana"
by Saxon, Dreyer and Tallant


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